  • Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Farmington
    (505) 559 - 4495
  • El Paso, TX
    (915) 317 - 5077

Will I have an exam?

A physical exam will be necessary to access your overall heath and determine if other health issues will influence your plan of care and course of treatment.

How long will the appointment be?

Usually an hour, however it could be longer or shorter depending on the reason for the appointment. We what to be sure all your questions have been answered to your satisfaction, and you are comfortable with your plan of care.

What do I take to the hospital?

Normally, clothing to go home from the hospital in. The hospital will furnish the traditional hospital gowns. You could bring your own but be prepared they may become soiled and need special laundering when you arrive home. Bedroom slippers and toiletries should be brought from home.

Can I bring my own medication?

No. Medications are dispensed by you nurse. It is sometimes necessary to change, hold or modify the dosage of your normal medications. This will be decided by your Physician.

How long will my hospital stay be?

It is dependent on the type and extent of the surgery you have. More extensive surgeries may keep you in the hospital greater than overnight, but usually you are discharged the following day after surgery. In some out-patient cases you may be discharged to home the same day after observation.

What medications can I take the day before and the day of my surgery?
